Show Calendar

Wednesday October 17th, 2012

Today's cycle is

Spanish (All Students)

Last call for Friends of Night People Donations! We are collecting boxed pasta, canned soups, and personal hygiene products. October 18th is the last day to donate! Spanish National Honor Society Students please bring your donation ASAP! Drop off to Mrs. Z room 322! Gracias!

SADD (All Students)

Did you know that Ocotber is Domestic Violence Awarenss month? And did you know that almost 50 percent of all teenage girls have either been in a troubled relationship or know someone who has? Education about this issue is an important first step toward knowing what to do to help yourself or someone else. If you are interested in learning more about how to avoid unhealthy relationships or support a friend, please attend a special presentation this Saturday, October 20th at 11:00 a.m. sponsore

Varsity Football (Sports)

The Varsity Football team will take on Kenmore West in our first playoff game on Friday, 10/19 at 7pm on the OP Stadium field. All tickets will be $4.

COED Track (Sports)

Attention all students interested in participating in coed indoor track this season. There will be a brief informational meeting Thursday the 18th after school. Please meet in the pe foyer at 2:00. Any questions see Mr. Lardo.

di (All Students)

Destination Imagination will meet next Wednesday after school in room 261. We will form teams and get organized for this year\'s competitions. See Mrs. Baker if you have questions

Junior Class (Juniors)

Attention all juniors there will be a Homeroom Rep meeting in room 223 on Wednesday October 17th. Please bring to the meeting any unsold Chicken BBQ tickets.