Show Calendar

Saturday November 3rd, 2012

Today's cycle is

Class of 2013 (All Students)

ATTENTION SENIORS, WRITE THIS DOWN! Measuring for graduation caps and gown will be NOVEMBER 13 AND 14 FROM 7:30 A.M. UNTIL 2:30 P.M. IN THE BAKER FOYER. This is the Tuesday and Wednesday after Veterans\' Day. EVERY senior MUST get measured, even if you plan to wear a siblings gown, or even if you\'re unsure whether or not you\'ll graduate on time. Please get measured! It only takes 1 minute and there is NO OBLIGATION to purchase the gown, only to be measured. See Ms. Rodemeyer in 319

OPHS Rifle Team (All Students)

The OPHS Rifle Team will meet Monday, 11/5 at 2:00pm in the OPHS cafeteria. First practice will be Tuesday, 11/6 at the Buffalo Rifle Club. Bus will leave the HS at 2:30pm.

CLass of 2013 (Seniors)

ATTENTION SENIORS! Your panoramic photo has been re-scheduled for Friday, November 9th, in the gym. On the 9th, report directly to the gym--NOT first period. Be on time for school and don\'t forget to wear your Senior tie-dye. Also, you may order your panoramic photo online starting today by clicking the Quick-link on the left of the Orchard Park High School homepage.

intramurals (All Students)

The new Intramural activities start now. Badminton will be offered every tuesday and thursday in the gym from 2-3. Walking and swimming will be offered on Wed. In addition, the weight room is open daily.

Windom Buddy Club (All Students)

Windom Buddy Club will be electing officers at the first meeting at Windom on Wednesday, November 7th. If you are interested in running for an office, please talk to Mrs. See in House 3 by Tuesday, November 6th.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all students interested in becoming a lawyer, acting or just having fun. The Mock Trial team will hold its tryouts starting next week. We are looking for students who like to argue, think on their feet, engage in public speaking and want to work on a team to help bring another championship to Orchard Park. Please see Mr. Janas in room #127 during the day or after school with any questions and to pick up a copy of the case. Sign Up sheets are on the door of room #127 as well. Our n

History Club (All Students)

Attention all students interested in history & politics. The History Club will hold a meeting on Tuesday November 6th at 2pm in room #127. Stop on in to find out what this club is all about. All students are welcome. We will discuss activities for the upcoming months and how to get involved. Hope to see you there!

Spanish National Honor Society (Co-Curricular)

Attention Spanish National Honor Society Students. Tuesday, November 6th we will celebrate the Day of the Dead in Room 322 at 2pm. Please bring food to share. Attendance will be taken.

House I (All Students)

Attention all students there will be an art contest for the cover of the curriculum handbook. If your work is selected, you will not only have your artwork published, you will receive a fifty dollar prize compliments of STAP Comm. Submissions are due to the House I office by November 15th. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Szczesniak.

Girls soccer (All Students)

The girls soccer team is in need of ball people for this Saturday\'s sectional final game. If interested, please see Mr. Graffeo in room 125. Seniors can receive service credit for this activity.