Show Calendar

Wednesday December 19th, 2012

Today's cycle is

Freshmen Class (All Students)

The Freshman Class would like to thank the record twenty-eight homerooms that decorated their doors this holiday season. The decision was difficult, however here are the winners: In third place room 360, in second place room 217, and the winners of a Panera breakfast are room 223. Great job done by all, thanks for participating.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: If you have received a scholarship from a college or university, please bring a copy of your award letter to the House 3 office so it can be included in graduation announcements.

SADD (All Students)

Attention all students. There will be a meeting of the SADD Club on Wednesday December 19th at 2:00 pm in room 162 to have the club photo taken for the yearbook and to discuss the visit to Middle School in January. Refreshments will be served.

guidance (All Students)

There will be a PSAT results assembly on Thursday, December 20th. You will learn how to interpret your test scores and further prepare for the SAT. In order to receive your test results, you must attend the assembly. It will be held in the auditorium during lunch periods and at 2pm. Please attend during an open period; if you are unable to come during the day, you must come after school.

Guidance (All Students)

Attention Seniors! Scott Krueger Memorial Scholarship applications are now available in the House 3 office. This is a $40,000 scholarship offered to two Orchard Park seniors. Deadline is Friday, February 8th at 3:00 pm to Mrs. Linder in House 3.