Show Calendar

Wednesday February 13th, 2013

Today's cycle is

Windom Buddy Program (All Students)

Windom Buddy Club will be meeting on Wednesday, February 13th at Windom Elementary School. We will be making Valentine\'s day gingerbread houses. Please bring in a supply to help us make these...for example, a box of graham crackers, conversation hearts, licorice, or small Valentine\'s day candy. The bus will be leaving the high school from the Freeman Road doors at 3 PM. If you cannot make it, please let Mrs. See in House 3 know as soon as possible.

OP Athletics (All Students)

Sports physicals are today Tuesday, February 12 from 1:50 to 2:30 and Friday, February 15 from 12:45 to 1:30 in the high school nurses office. All athletic information is to be returned to the nurses office by Monday, February 25. Please check the Athletic Website for all other information.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! If you are in the top 10% of your class, are involved in a school or community service activity, and participate in the schools athletic program - varsity letter is perferred, you can self nominate to be considered for the Emedco Academic Excellence Scholarship Program. If interested, see Mrs. Linder in House 3 by Tuesday, February 26th for futher information and scholarship consideration.

Varsity Boys Hockey (All Students)

Playoff Hockey has arrived. Varsity Boys Hockey take on arch-rival Frontier Falcons on Friday Night in Quarterfinal playoff action. Game time is 6:00 PM at Northtowns Center.

boys tennis (All Students)

Any boy interested in playing JV or Varsity tennis this spring should attend a meeting at 2PM this Wednesday in room 125.

Stage Crew (All Students)

There will be a mandatory Stage Crew meeting on Wednesday, February 13th in room 362. It is extremely important that all members attend. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Hafner in room 362.

Class of 2016 (Freshmen)

Who wants to Par-tay? Get your dancing shoes on and get ready for the semi-formal dance on Friday March 8th from 8pm-11pm at OPHS. Tickets are $10 and will be on sale afterschool in the cafeteria Monday, February 25th through Friday, March 1st. They will also be sold during lunch periods in the cafeteria on Thursday, February 28th and Friday, March 1st. Student ID required to purchase tickets.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention NHS members: The NHS photo for the yearbook will be taken on Wednesday, February 13th at 2:10 in the aud. Please be on time. Any quetions, see Mrs. Sall in Room 363 after school.

Varsity and J.V. Baseball (Sports)

There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in trying out for Varsity or J.V. Baseball on Wednesday, February 13. The meeting will start at 1:55 in room 224, Mr. Senn\'s room.

Guidance (Seniors)

This is a reminder for OP Pride students: please report to the auditorium on Wednesday, February 13th at 2 PM. Please be prompt! If you cannot be there, please let Mrs. See know as soon as possible.

Softball (All Students)

Attention all girls interested in softball... please attend a meeting at 2:00pm Wednesday in room 214. See Mr. Danneker with any concerns.