Show Calendar

Wednesday May 8th, 2013

Today's cycle is

The Voice (All Students)

Reminder to all those applying for an editor postion for The Voice next year: Applications are due to Mrs. Williams in room 316 by Monday, May 13, 2013. Thanks.

NHS (Juniors)

Attention NHS members.... juniors and seniors. Volunteers are needed to help at Art Rocks the Park on Saturday May 18. Please sign up on the list outside Mrs Sullivan\'s door. Remember that service is part of NHS

Windom Buddy Club (All Students)

Students in the Windom Buddy program have a meeting on Wednesday, May 8th at 3:15 at Windom Elementary School. The ice cream social has been rescheduled to Monday, May 20th at 6:30 at Windom Elementary School. Please see Mrs. See if you cannot make it or if you have any questions.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention male members of the senior class! Self nomination is now open for the Scalp and Blade scholarship, which recognizes students with high academics, excellent personal characteristics, and outstanding leadership qualities. Students should be well rounded in all aspects of scholastic life and in the community. This scholarship is worth in total $10,000. See Mrs. Linder in House 3 by May 10th to be considered.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention seniors - Dragonfly scholarship applications are now available at Three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded and one is specific to a wrestler. Deadline is May 11, 2013.

Senior (Seniors)

Prom and post prom tickets will be sold after school Today thru Thursday. Post Prom tickets will also be available at the senior picnic. Post prom tickets are $5. If you are a senior and are not attending the prom, you still can attend post prom activities, so get your tickets today.

Basketball (Sports)

Attention Freshmen Girls Basketball players. If you are planning on playing in the Summer League please see Mr. Janas in room #127 about registration by Friday.