Show Calendar

Tuesday May 21st, 2013

Today's cycle is

PTO (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! There are just TWO chances left to purchase your Post Prom Party tickets! Wednesday the 22nd, from 1-2:30 p.m. in the foyer, outside of the main office and again at the Sr. Picnic on May 31st, in the gym while lunch is being served. You will need your ID card to purchase your ticket. Tickets are only $5 per person! There will be prizes for everyone, free food, a hypnotist, great music, inflatable games in the gym, a coffee house, and the grand prize of $2,000 for one luck

Spanish National Honor Society (Co-Curricular)

Current Senior Members of the Spanish National Honor Society. We will be celebrating our last meeting on May 23rd at 2pm in room 322. Please bring a food or beverage to help us celebrate the end of the year. Hope to see you there.

Open Campus (Juniors)

Attention all Juniors: May 31st is the deadline for turning in your open campus forms for your senior year. You may pick up and turn in the applications in your house offices. Late applications will not be accepted under no circumstances. See Mr. Biondo if you have questions.

stap comm (All Students)

Attention Students that attended Eggert Road Elementary... If you had Mrs. Pelgrin as a teacher and would like to write her a retirement card, please bring it to room 163 by Friday, May 24.

class of 2015 (Sophomores)

Attention sophomores= Please wear your class tee-shirts on Wednesday and stay after school for a class picture in room 263 at 2.

Guidance (All Students)

Attention NHS inductees, current officers and those helping with induction: Mandatory rehearsal is Tuesday in room 143 immediately after school. Induction is Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. You must be at rehearsal to be inducted. If you have questions or concerns, please see Mrs. Sullivan in the House 2 Office.


ATTENTION ALL SENIORS! The Senior Banquet is Thursday, June 13 at Michael\\\'s. ALL Seniors and thier families are welcome. Tickets are $15. and will be on sale AFTER SCHOOL MAY 28 - MAY 30 AND JUNE 3RD AND 4TH. SEE YOUR CLASS OFFICERS WITH QUESTIONS.

SADD (All Students)

Attention all SADD Club members. The end of the year ice cream social will take place this Thursday May 23rd at 2:00 PM in room 122B. Please be sure to sign up in house 2 if you have done so already.