Show Calendar

Friday May 24th, 2013

Today's cycle is

Open Campus (Juniors)

Attention all Juniors: May 31st is the deadline for turning in your open campus forms for your senior year. You may pick up and turn in the applications in your house offices. Late applications will not be accepted under no circumstances. See Mr. Biondo if you have questions.

stap comm (All Students)

Attention Students that attended Eggert Road Elementary... If you had Mrs. Pelgrin as a teacher and would like to write her a retirement card, please bring it to room 163 by Friday, May 24.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! If you received a scholarship award, please bring a copy of it to the House 3 office to be included in graduation announcements. See Mrs. Linder with questions.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club Members and any interested students. In the observamce of Memorial Day we will hold an open forum discussion on Thursday May 30 at 2pm in room 127 entitled How War Has Changed America- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Please stop and let your opinion be heard. See you then!

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU interested in getting involved in STAP Comm? If so, consider applying for an Extension Office! Pick up an Application Outside of room 163 or in the Student Activities Office. All applications are due Wednesday, June 5th Questions? See Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Graffeo