Show Calendar

Monday September 23rd, 2013

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

Juniors and Seniors: there will be a college fair in the Commons on Wednesday, 9/25 from 8:30am-9:30am. Admissions representatives from the WNY area will be available to meet with you to discuss majors, atheletics, housing opportunities, tuition, financial aid, clubs, and how to apply. Report to your 2nd and/or 3rd period class and ask your teacher for a pass.

Pep Club (All Students)

Powder Puff tickets will be sold at the end of all lunch periods STARTING SPIRIT WEEK! The cost is $3 presale and $5 on Friday of the game. If you have questions, see Mr. Boticelli, Mr. Graffeo, or Mr. Norvilitis during Spirit Week.

Guidance (All Students)

Students who are considering applying to a United States Service Academy or R.O.T.C. program are invited to attend the Western New York Service Academy Day and meet representatives from the U.S. Military Academy (West Point), U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis), U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, as well as Army, Navy, and Air Force R.O.T.C. This event is an opportunity to learn about the unique academic and career opportunities offered through our nati

Media Productions (All Students)

Attention all students, there is a home Varsity Field Hockey game against West Seneca West at 5:00 pm today. Let's go ladies!

Guidance (All Students)

Princeton University will be hosting an information session at the Buffalo Niagara Marriott on Monday. 9/30 at 7:00pm. Attendees will learn about academic programs, campus life and the admissions and financial processes.

SADD (All Students)

Attention ALL members of SADD Club who are interested in working the concession stand at the Powder Puff Game. There will be a brief meeting on WEDNESDAY September 25th at 2:00 PM in the 2nd floor library classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2.

Class of 2017 (Freshmen)

Attention ALL freshman homeroom representatives-There will be a meeting tomorrow @ 2:00 in room 356 to discuss homecoming.