If you are planning on trying out and playing a spring sport, a currenty physical is needed. Sports physicals will be available Tuesday, February 11th from 1:50 - 2:30 p.m. in the Health Office. Stop by the Health Office for the needed paperwork.
Attention NHS members. The yearbook picture will be taken on Tuesday, Feb 11 at 2:00 in the Auditorium
Attention all Juniors. The deadline for applications for the Career Internship program has been extended until February 11. All applications shoudl be turned into the House 1 Office. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Casto or Mrs. Birtch.
This past week the OPHS cheerleaders competed at Fredonia. Both Varsity and JV placed first in their division and JV also won the title of grand champ among all JV divisions. Congratulations Girls!!
Attention all NHS and OP Pride students: The yearbook photo for your group will be taken Tuesday, February 11th at 2pm sharp in the Auditorium. If you are not in the aud by 2pm, you will not be in the photo.
Attention all club members: Your yearbook photo will be taken Wednesday, February 12th in the gym. Check the schedules posted throughout the building or outside rooms 162 & 363 for the exact time of the photo for your club. Please be on time. If you or your club are not in the gym at your scheduled time, you will not be pictured in the yearbook.
The will be an Outreach meeting today after school. See Mr.Hafner in room 362 with any questions.
Attention all SADD members, there will be a brief meeting for all SADD club members on Wednesday, February 12th at 2:00 PM in room 122B. The yearbook picture will be taken at this meeting. If you are unable to attend, please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2.
The Media Productions Club yearbook photo will take be taken at our club meeting today at 2:10 in the QTV Studio.