Are You Doing Something Awesome This Summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it with the $250.00 Student Enrichment Scholarship. Pick up an application in House 3 or room 163. See Mrs. Rominger (room 163)with questions.
Come to Spring College Night on Wednesday, 3/19. If you are a junior or underclassmen interested in learning about the college process, this event is for you. Representatives from Buffalo State, Canisius, ECC, Hilbert, Niagara, and the University of Rochester will be present. The event starts with a mini college fair in the cafeteria at 6:30pm.
Attention Juniors and Seniors: The parking meeting that was cancelled due to the snow day has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 18th at 2pm sharp, in room 162. Any questions, please see Mrs. Stady.
For juniors interested in attending the April 9th fieldtrip to the Buffalo National College Fair. Permission slips are due to the House 2 office by March 26th. Bring them in early!
Please see Mr. Kennedy's Lotus notes for a Powerpoint announcement