Show Calendar

Wednesday April 2nd, 2014

Today's cycle is

guidance (Seniors)

Attention senior males - The Scalp and Blade Scholarship program is now available, which awards $2,500 per year, renewable for a total of 4 years. Applicants must have a high standard of scholarship, demonstrated by Regents and high school grades, standardized test scores and rank in class. Must have excellent personal characteristics, habits, diligence, be personable and possess outstanding leadership qualities both inside and outside school activities. See Mrs. Linder in H

STAP Comm (All Students)

Wear your favorite HAT To school next Thursday to support all those going Bald for Bucks! Caps for a Cure Stickers will be sold in homerooms for $1. You must have a sticker on your hat in order to wear it in school. See Mr. Hafner or Mrs. Rominger with questions.

Wrestling (Sports)

Attention all wrestlers. There will be a brief organizational meeting on Wednesday, April 2 at 2 pm in room 225. We will be beginning to plan for spring and summer tournaments and camps. If you plan to go to any spring and summer events then please plan to be at the meeting. Off-season wrestlers make winter champions.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are you interested in running for a STAP Comm or Class office for the 2014-2015 school year? If so, you MUST attend the Candidates Conference on Wed, Apr 23 from 2:00-2:45 pm in room 163. This is a mandatory meeting for all students running for a Class or STAP office. Declaration of intent forms will be handed out at this meeting only. Please see Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Hafner with questions or conflicts.

Student Activities (Juniors)

Attention ALL juniors: This is just a reminder that any junior who receives a disciplinary referral during the fourth quarter of their junior year will lose open campus privileges for the first quarter of their senior year. Depending on the disciplinary offense, your parking eligibility may in jeopardy as well. Bottom line, if you are a junior who wants to drive and have open campus during your senior year you need to behave.

Guidance (All Students)

Don't forget to check out the Job Board, located in the Cafeteria near the Student Activities Office. There are several summer job postings as well as volunteer opportunities. Lifeguarding, babysitting, and modeling for a fashion show are just a few of the available openings!