Show Calendar

Wednesday April 9th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Media Productions Club (All Students)

Congratulations to the students, faculty, staff and administrators that participated and/or donated to our Goin' Bald for Bucks fundraiser for Roswell Park held last Thursday. The afternoon was extremely successful and also a lot of fun. 27 students & faculty had their heads shaved (or did Locks of Love) and hundreds in the OPHS community participated in Caps for a Cure! Special thanks go out to our BOCES Cosmetology students & Denise Heary,

Media Productions Club (All Students)

AOF Leadership students, QTV, DECA, Y-Roswell students, STAP-Com, Homeroom 252, Ms. Hassenfratz, Mr. Coleman & Crew, Ms. Schwartz & Ms. Basil. On the financial side, we raised $7,237.98. Roswell says thanks to all involved!

guidance (Seniors)

Attention senior males - The Scalp and Blade Scholarship program is now available, which awards $2,500 per year, renewable for a total of 4 years. Applicants must have a high standard of scholarship, demonstrated by Regents and high school grades, standardized test scores and rank in class. Must have excellent personal characteristics, habits, diligence, be personable and possess outstanding leadership qualities both inside and outside school activities. See Mrs. Linder in H

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are you interested in running for a STAP Comm or Class office for the 2014-2015 school year? If so, you MUST attend the Candidates Conference on Wed, Apr 23 from 2:00-2:45 pm in room 163. This is a mandatory meeting for all students running for a Class or STAP office. Declaration of intent forms will be handed out at this meeting only. Please see Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Hafner with questions or conflicts.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention senior lacrosse players! The Thomas Gardner Memorial Scholarship has extended the deadline until April 25th. This scholarship is worth $2,500 and is awarded to a lacrosse female and male player. Applications can be found in House 3. See Mrs. Linder with any further questions.

Guidance (All Students)

A representative from SUNY Maritime will be meeting with students on Thursday, April 10th at 1pm in the House 2 office. Students interested in meeting with the representative should get a pass from the teacher of the class they are missing.

guidance (Juniors)

Attention Juniors going on the field trip to the Buffalo National College Fair on Wednesday, April 9th. Please report to the Freeman doors near the gymnasium after your 3rd period class. The busses will depart promptly at 10:15am.

windom buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club students... A reminder that we will be meeting today at Windom. The bus will be available at 3:00 on the Freeman side of the building. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.