Show Calendar

Saturday April 26th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Junor Class (Seniors)

Listen up Seniors! Registration for prom begins Monday, April 21 and will only be available until May 2nd! You must register on a school computer before ticket sales begin. If you do not register, you will not be able to buy your prom ticket. Again, you must register on a school computer between April 21 and May 2. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Duszkeiewicz in room 219 ASAP.

Senior Class (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! May 1st is Decision Day, so let's celebrate and wear a t-shirt that shows everyone what our plans are for next year. This fun event is sponsored by the Senior Class.

guidance (All Students)

Attention any student who is taking an AP exam and missed the pre-administration. There is a mandatory make-up session on Wednesday, April 30th after school at 2:00 in the Aud. Make this meeting a priority,you must attend. See Mr. Behm or Dr. Cervoni with questions

Guidance (All Students)

Attention all students interested in a career in the medical field! The Erie County Medical Center Summer Youth Program may be for you! This competitive program grants hospital work placements to students age 14 and up with an academic average of at least 80. Applications are due on Friday, May 9th, so if you are interested, please see Mrs. Stahl in House 1 as soon as possible.

UNYTS (All Students)

Don’t forget to sign up for the blood drive Thursday May 1 in the Media Center. Sign up in the Media Center or see Mrs. Patterson or Mrs. Birtch in room 123 for more information. Remember you must be 17 and have an appointment! Give Blood and Save a Life!

NHS (Seniors)

Attention senior nhs members. Please sign up to help with the rehearsal and induction. The list is on Mrs Sullivan's door in House 2

Character Education Committee (All Students)

On Thursday, May 1st the district will sponsor a showing of the film Finding Kind in the high school auditorium at 7:00pm. This documentary is aimed at girls and some of the social difficulties they may face. Mothers and daughters are encouraged to enjoy refreshments and attend a discussion following the film. The cost of entrance will be $1 per ticket sold at the door on the evening of the event. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the OP Family Justice Center.

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

Spanish National Honor Society Members: Please remember to turn in your $20.00 donation to Mrs. Z in room 322 for this year's charity fund raiser. Your name and level of Spanish must be written on envelope. Remember you can ask four people for $5.00 dollars! Money due by May 2nd! Gracias!

Junior Class (Seniors)

Attention all seniors planning to go to prom. Ticket sales will be held from May 12 through May 15 from 2-3 pm in the aud foyer. You must be already registered to buy a ticket and you must have your payment and student ID with you. If you are taking a non-OPHS student, you will need to bring your guest form, as well. If you have any questions, see Mrs. D in room 219.

QTV (All Students)

Attention all Model UN members, There will be an important meeting on Monday, April 28th at 2:00 PM in boom 253. See Ms. Gernold with any questions.