Show Calendar

Thursday June 5th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

New Spanish National Honor Society Inductees. We will have our first meeting on Thursday, June 5th in room 322 to discuss our planning for next year's events. Please arrive at 2:00.

SADD (All Students)

Attention all students. Locker cleanout day is right around the corner. Please consider donating any new or very gently used school supplies to the SADD School Supply Collection Project. The supplies that are collected will be made available to students in our own community as well as to students across the world. Boxes for donated supplies will be clearly marked in the hallway during the locker cleanout days. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please

Girls Volleyball (Sports)

Attention girls volleyball players: Anyone who is interested in participating in varsity or JV volleyball next year, there will be an informational meeting on Thursday June 5th at 2:00, meet in the PE foyer. If you cannot make it see Mr Lardo.

QTV (All Students)

There is a Model UN meeting this Friday at 2:00 P.M. in room 253. This is an important meeting. See the officers or Ms. Gernold with any questions.

VFH (Sports)

Field Hockey meeting for JV and Varsity on Thurs. June 5th at 2pm in Room 114. See Mrs. Callahan with any questions.

Community Education (All Students)

Attention students who took spring Driver Education. Your completion certificates will be available on Monday, June 9th in the Community Education office.