Show Calendar

Saturday September 6th, 2014

Today's cycle is

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - The PEO STAR scholarship is given to female seniors that exhibit excellence in leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, community service, and potential for future success. It is a one time 2,500 dollar scholarship. For consideration and further information please see Mrs. Linder in House 3. Deadline is September 17th.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - If the Academic Excellence Scholarship program is available this year Orchard Park will participate and will use the Regents test score option for the criteria. See Mrs. Linder for futher information. Information will be released as made available.

pep club (Seniors)

Attention Junior and Senior girls....Powder Puff registration is on-line only. Go to the high school webpage and click on the student activities link. Registration closes Wednesday September 10 at 230 pm. Questions see Mr Botticelli

pep club (All Students)

Anyone who would like to help plan the pep rally or Emcee the pep rally see Mr. Botticelli in room 263.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Officiers, we will have a meeting on Thursday September 11th at 2pm in room 127. See you there

History Club (All Students)

Attention all students interested in Political and Military History. The History Club will hold a meeting on Tuesday September 16th at 2pm in room 127. We will be planning the upcoming year and need your input. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions

Guidance (All Students)

The perfect part time job might be waiting for you! Don't forget to check the Job Board outside of the Athletics Office in the cafeteria. New job postings are being added every day. If you have questions about any posting on the board, please see Mrs. Stahl in House 1.

NHS (Seniors)

Attention all National Honor Society Members The dates for parent open house evenings are September 10 and 18. Please sign up to volunteer your time, as is expected, on the list posted outside Mrs Sullivan's office.