Show Calendar

Saturday September 27th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a highly selective college information session held at the Millenium Hotel in Cheektowaga on Monday, October 6th at 7:30pm. The following schools will be represented: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Rice University, and the University of Chicago. You must register ahead of time at There is a link under "dates to remember" on the guidance page of the high school website.

NHS (Seniors)

Attention all NHS members. The first meeting of the school year will be on October 1 at 2:00 in Media 2 back classroom area.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all students interested in history and debate. The History club will hold our next meeting on Tuesday September 30th at 2pm in room 127. see Mr. Janas with any questions

Technology Club (All Students)

The Technology Club will meet Tuesday the 30th in room 112. All students interested in engineering and technology should attend.

glax (Sports)

If thee are any girls interested in playing winter lacrosse at Sahlens, there wll be an informational meeting Monday Sept.29 at 2:15 in the girls locker room. See Mrs. Callahan if you have any questions.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - The Minias Family Scholarship applications are now available in the House 3 office. This is a $2,500 scholarship awarded to an Orchard Park High School senior who best exemplifies strong ambition, work ethic and involvement in the Orchard Park High School Community. Deadline is February 15, 2015. See Mrs. Linder with questions.