The Orchard Park Garden Club is offering scholarships to students interested in attending environmental conservation camps during the summer. Further information and application can be found in House 3. Deadline is December 5, 2014.
Attention all Freshman homeroom reps: There will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, October 28th at 2:00 in room 356. All must attend.
Attention all students planning on attending the next parking meeting. The Meeting on Wednesday, October 29th has been moved to Thursday the 30th in room 154. See Mrs. Stady or Mr. Biondo with any questions.
Attention ALL students who Drive to school. Students will not be able to park on campus due to the district vote on Tuesday, November 18. Please make arrangements ahead of time. Students who park on campus that day will lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the school year and receive a disciplinary referral.
Hey Seniors, All open campus school service forms are due to the blue box in the Baker Foyer no later than Friday, October 31st at 3pm.
Attention all students, faculty and Staff. Next Wednesday October 29th is Substance Abuse Awareness Day at OPHS. Please wear something RED. The purpose of wearing RED is to symbolize one the following things: To acknowledge the dangers of drug and alcohol; to remember someone whose life has been impacted by the use of drugs or alcohol, or to represent your comittment to a drug free lifestyle. Wearing red acknowledges danger, please demonstrate your support for this national day
The Media Productions Club regrets to inform you that the Legacy 3D Printed Movie effect event that was scheduled for the 29th of October in the High School Auditorium has been canceled. It will be rescheduled later this year. Listen to QTV for further information.