Show Calendar

Friday October 31st, 2014

Today's cycle is

guidance (All Students)

The Orchard Park Garden Club is offering scholarships to students interested in attending environmental conservation camps during the summer. Further information and application can be found in House 3. Deadline is December 5, 2014.

Phys. Ed. Dept. (All Students)

Attention all Students: Fitnessgram Physical Fitness Make Up dates are Tuesday November 4th and Wednesday, November 5th after school from 2 unitl 2:30 pm in the gymnasium. See your Phys. Ed. Teacher if you have any questions.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club Members and those interested in joining. We will meet Tuesday November 4th and Wednesday November 5th to watch the movie Schindler's List and begin to prepare for our discussion on the history of discrmination. We will meet in room #127. Please see mr Janas with any questions

History Club (All Students)

Attention History Club Members and all interested in joining. Any member who would like to be an officier will need to see Mr. Janas on Monday November 3rd at 2pm in room #127. See you there!

Spanish Honor Society and International Club (All Students)

Attention Spanish National Honor Society and International Club Members. The Book of Life Movie will be on Tuesday, November 4th at Quaker Crossing. It starts at 3:45, please be there no later than 3:30. $6.00 is due to Mrs. Z in Room 322 by October 31st with your permission slip.

Cross Country (Sports)

Congratulations to OPXC for a great weekend of racing! Congratulations to our Athletes who made it to the 1st and 2nd Team ECIC All Stars: Boys: 1st Team ECIC= Caleb Johnson and Matt Mercer 2nd Team ECIC= Cal Puskar Girls: 1st Team ECIC= Emily Izydorczak 2nd team ECIC= Kelsey Wenger Congratulations to the BOYS TEAM for being 2nd Place in our division. Also, Congratulations to Cal P

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: This is a reminder that your senior portraits are due by November 1st. Digital copies of your portraits should be submitted to the yearbook mailbox in House 1. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Sall (Room 363) or Mrs. Stady (Room 162) after school only.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Please remember that all applications for OP Pride are due to Mrs. See in House 3 by November 1st. If you only gave a copy to your counselor, you need be sure to give another copy directly to Mrs. See in order to be considered for the Orchard Park Pride Award.

Open Campus (Seniors)

Hey Seniors, All open campus school service forms are due to the blue box in the Baker Foyer no later than 3pm TODAY!

Boost (Freshmen)

Attention Freshmen! Please bring a non-perishable item to Boost Class. Canned goods, boxes of rice or pasta, cereal, juice boxes are all good choices. Pay your good fortune forward to others who need your help. Please remember to check the expiration date before you donate the food! Thank you!

qtv (All Students)

Monday Clarence 0 Orchard Park 3-boys v soccer Orchard Park 1 Wmsv. North 0-field hockey Tuesday Orchard Park 3 Lancaster 0-girls volleyball Thursday Orchard Park 0 Clarence 3-girls volleyball Kenmore West 0 Orchard Park 3-boys volleyball