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Saturday December 6th, 2014

Today's cycle is

intramurals (All Students)

There will be a winter badminton tournament starting monday Dec. 8th. Grab a partner and come on down and join in the fun. Sign-ups in P.E. foyer.

QTV (All Students)

The annual curriculum handbook cover contest has begun. The winning entry will receive a $50 prize from STAPCOM. Entries should be submitted to the House 2 Office by 3:00 on Wednesday December 17th. Late entries will not be accepted! See Mr. Grupka with any questions.

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshman homeroom reps: there will be a brief meeting on Thursday, December 11th at 2 o'clock in room 356. Please plan on attending.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - The Scalp and Blade scholarship is now available. It is a $10,000 scholarship awarded to a senior male who demonstrates outstanding academic accomplishment in terms of grades and college entrance exams, extracurricular activities and community involvement. See Mrs. Linder in House 3 by January 8th to be considered or for futher information.


Attention any Juniors and Seniors interested in being a DARE Role Model. There will be a very important meeting on Wednesday December 10th at 2:00 pm in the Library Media Center with the DARE Officer to prepare for the presentation to the 5th grade classes. Sign up sheets are posted in the House 2 office and several dates and times are available for the week of December 15th. Service hours for open campus may be given to seniors. If you have any questions please see Mrs Wolf in the House 2

December - 2014

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