Show Calendar

Tuesday December 9th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Seniors)

A representative from Jamestown Community College will meet with interested students at 10:30 today in the house 2 conference room.

History Club (All Students)

Attention History Club Officers. We will have a brief meeting wednesday at 2pm in room #127

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention Mock Trial Officers. Please see Mr. Janas during the day today.

Boys Bowling (Sports)

Congratulations to the boys varsity bowling team as they defeated Lancaster yesterday 6-1. The Quakers are 2 and 0 in the division. Leading the way was senior Colin Herr with a 676 3 game set and sophomore Troy Hattala's 647 3 game set. Hayden Brock shot a team high 278 in game 2. The Quakers next face West Seneca West next Tuesday at strikers.

OPGirls Varsity Bowling (Sports)

Congratulations to the Girls Varsity bowling team on another victory against Lancaster. Danielle M led the A team with a 234 and a 608 set. Maddie J. had the high game of 241. Nicole R. had a 231 and Captain Kaitlyn K. had a clutch 214 in the second game. Alexa C. led the B team with a 210 and a 595 Set. Nice job to all the girls including C team.

science club (All Students)

Attention All Students. The second talk in the Science Club speaker series is tomorrow - Wednesday Dec 10th after school, and all students and staff are invited to attend. Our speaker is A graduate student from the University at Buffalo, and she will discuss her work on polar bears and polar bear genetics. She will include information about the impact of climate change on polar bears. The talk will be in the auditorium from 2 until about 2:50 pm. That's tomorrow, December 10th in

SMILE Club (All Students)

SMILE Club will meet on Wednesday December 10th at 2pm in room 351. All are welcome!

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Senior Ads sales have been extended through Friday, December 12th. More information, including the order form can be found on the yearbook website. Please see Mrs. Sall in Room 363 or Mrs. Stady in Room 162 with any questions.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Team members and others looking to join. We have a mandatory meeting on Thursday December 11th at 2pm in room 127 to review this years case and select positions. All members must attend this meeting. See you there


Attention any Juniors and Seniors interested in being a DARE Role Model. There will be a very important meeting on Wednesday December 10th at 2:00 pm in the Library Media Center with the DARE Officer to prepare for the presentation to the 5th grade classes. Sign up sheets are posted in the House 2 office and several dates and times are available for the week of December 15th. Service hours for open campus may be given to seniors. If you have any questions please see Mrs Wolf in the House 2

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - The Scalp and Blade scholarship is now available. It is a $10,000 scholarship awarded to a senior male who demonstrates outstanding academic accomplishment in terms of grades and college entrance exams, extracurricular activities and community involvement. See Mrs. Linder in House 3 by January 8th to be considered or for futher information.

GSA (All Students)

The next meeting of the Gay-Straight Alliance will be held Wednesday December 10th in room 317. Come to help raise awareness and acceptance of all individuals who attend Orchard Park.

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

The Spanish National Honor Society will be having it's Seasonal Celebration on December 17th at 2pm in the Library Classroom. There will be food, crafts and fun! Hope to see you there. Let Mrs. Z know if you will not be attending by December 12th. Thank you.

guidance (Sophomores)

Attention sophomores who have signed up to attend the trip to the Ormsby center on Thursday, December 11th. Please be at the Baker foyer immediately after homeroom. The bus will depart at 8:30 and will return at the start of 5th period. If you have lunch 4th period, you must bring a bagged luch. Please see Mr. Behm with any questions.

Freshman Class (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshman homeroom reps: there will be a brief meeting on Thursday, December 11th at 2 o'clock in room 356. Please plan on attending.

QTV (All Students)

The annual curriculum handbook cover contest has begun. The winning entry will receive a $50 prize from STAPCOM. Entries should be submitted to the House 2 Office by 3:00 on Wednesday December 17th. Late entries will not be accepted! See Mr. Grupka with any questions.

DARE Role Models (Seniors)

Attention Seniors...if you are looking for Senior Service Hours please consider participating in the DARE Role Model Program. There are many time slots available to go and speak to the 5th grade students in our district. If you are interested, please attend an informational meeting on Wednesday December 10th in the LMC or stop in and see Mrs. Wolf in House 2.