Show Calendar

Tuesday December 16th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

The Spanish National Honor Society will be having it's Seasonal Celebration on December 17th at 2pm in the Library Classroom. There will be food, crafts and fun! Hope to see you there. Let Mrs. Z know if you will not be attending by December 12th. Thank you.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Members. Tonights meeting is cancelled. We will instead meet on Wednesday at 5pm in room #127.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club members. We will have our Holiday Party this Friday at 2pm in room #127. we will be viewing the History of Christmas and enjoying some food. Hope to see you there!

DARE Role Model (Seniors)

Attention DARE Role Models. There are still two time slots that are in need of role models for the elementary schools This week Wednesday and Thursday. Please stop in to the House 2 Office to check out the specific times and schools, and sign up if you are able to participate. See Mrs. Wolf if you have any questions.

glax (Sports)

Attention Girl lacrosse players. The 2nd session for sahlens is begining soon. If you want to play on Sundays contact Coach Callahan ASAP. Also , there will be open gym at the Middle School on monday nights(7:30-8:45pm) and open gym at the High School on Thurs. mornings(6:15-7am), if you want to sharpen up your skills.

science club (All Students)

Attention all Science Lovers! Science club is hosting an ice cream party this Wednesday , December 17th. Anyone interested in making ice cream, making fake snow,and having fun should come to Room 160 right after school on Wednesday. Questions - See Mrs. Collins in Room 160.

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention all students. Please check and see if you lost anything in the lost a found boxes in the the following areas. The black cabinet in the cafeteria, the pool, and the physical education locker rooms. Any unclaimed clothing or items will be taken to the city mission. You have until Friday, December 19th.

Student Activities (Co-Curricular)

The following students need to pick up their parking passes. Unlike the local pizza joint we will not be delivering them to you. The students are, B. Sommerville, B. Marzec, K. Dean, J. Ortiz, H. Hertzog, H.Healy, C.Morawski. You need to see Mr. Biondo before school in the Baker foyer to pick up your parking passes.

guidance (All Students)

The PSAT results are in. If you took the PSAT this past October, please come to the auditorium on Thursday, December 18th at the start of your lunch period or promptly after school at 2:00 to receive your scores and to learn how to use them to prepare for the SAT. See your counselor with questions.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club Members: Our next meeting is Wednesday, the 17th. The bus will be at the Freeman doors at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

guidance (Sophomores)

Attntion Sophomores who signed up to attend the field trip to Ormsby. The trip has been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 17th. Please be in the Baker foyer immediately after homeroom. See Mr. Behm with questions.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - The Scalp and Blade scholarship is now available. It is a $10,000 scholarship awarded to a senior male who demonstrates outstanding academic accomplishment in terms of grades and college entrance exams, extracurricular activities and community involvement. See Mrs. Linder in House 3 by January 8th to be considered or for futher information.

Varsity Gymnastics (Sports)

Reminder to all girls varsity gymnasts- Tonight is the banquet at the Orchard Park Country Club at 5:00. Please remember to bring your warm up suits to return to Mrs. Dehlinger. Thank you