Show Calendar

Sunday January 11th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

The Spanish National Honor Society is collecting dontations for Tabby Town. If you are interested in donating we are collecting a one dollar minimum donation. Members have paper cats for you to write your name on with your donation. You can dontate to a member or to Mrs. Z in Room 322. All money is due by January 21st. All money goes to help with the cost to care for the cats at Tabby Town. Thank you.

Science Club (All Students)

Attention all students. The next Science Club Speaker is Registered Dietitian Mrs. Theresa Bindig. She will speak at the next science club meeting – on Wed. Jan 14th. She will discuss the science behind Food & Nutrition Science and will answer questions such as: What is a Registered Dietitian? How do you become a Registered Dietitian? All students and staff are welcome. Her talk will be on Wednesday, January 14th from 2pm until approximately 3pm in Room 164. Healthy snacks

STAP-Comm (All Students)

Next STAP-Comm meeting is on Monday, January 12th 2015 at 7:00pm in the commons. Following topics will be discussed :- Winter Homecoming, Hospice Flower Sale, Kaely's Kindness Blanket Event, and Curriculum Handbook Contest Winner.

Yearbook (Seniors)

This is a reminder that "Senior Most" photos will be taken on Tuesday, January 13th at 2pm in Room 162. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall in Room 363 or Mrs. Stady in Room 162.

International Club (All Students)

Attention International Club: Come join us to view the first selection of our International Film Festival, "La misma luna" ("Under the Same Moon". The film will be shown from 2:00 to 4:00 on Tuesday, January 20th, in room 329. Watch for informational posters. If you are on the membership list you will receive a permisiion slip in homeroom. If not, please see Mrs. Montesano in room 329 if you are interested.