Show Calendar

Friday January 30th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Health Office (All Students)

Sports physicals will be done on Tuesday, February 10th from 2:00-2:30 p.m. If you will be trying out for a spring sport your physical needs to be current. If you have any questions, please stop by the Health Office.

Volleyball (Sports)

Attention students interested in playing volleyball over Spring Break. There will be an informational meeting with Mr Lardo on Wednesday February 4th at 2:30. Meet at the PE foyer.

glax (Sports)

There will be an informational lacrosse meeting for any girls playing JV or Varsity lacrosse this spring. The meeting will be held in the pool area at 2 pm on Wed. Feb 4th. See Mrs. Callahan for more info.

Stage Crew (All Students)

Attention stage crew members and those interested in becoming members of the Anything Goes Stage Crew. Our first meeting will be held on Thursday February 5th at 2pm in room 319. We will be discussing set build dates for the musical and other information. Please see Miss Marinaccio in room 319 if you have any questions!! See you there!