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Tuesday February 10th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Health Office (All Students)

Sports physicals will be done today in the Health Office from 2:00-2:30 p.m. If you are in need of a physical, please come to the Health Office immediately after school today.

Business Dept (Juniors)

Juniors interested in participating in the Internship Program next year: Applications are due no later than Wednesday, February 25 at 2:30 PM in House 1. Late applications will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Casto in Room 126 or Mrs. Birtch in Room 123.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention OP Pride and NHS members: Your group photo for the yearbook will be taken on Tuesday, February 10th in the Auditorium at 2pm. Please be prompt. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall in Room 363.

GSA (All Students)

The next meeting of GSA will be held on Wednesday February 11th after school in room 317. We will be taking orders for t-shirts, signing up for the conference and generally having a good time, as always! Bring a friend.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. The Science Club Valentines Day Meeting will be on Wednesday Feb. 11th and everyone is welcome. The meeting will be in Room 160 after school. Make elephant toothpaste and see a real deer heart. SNacks will be provided. Anyone who might be interested in attending science exploration day at UB in March must attend. See MRs. Collins in Room 160 if you have any questions.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Local scholarship information has been mailed to every senior's home. Please stop by House 3 if you did not receive the scholarship packet. Also, continue to look on-line for additional scholarship opportunities. See Mrs. Linder with questions. Deadline for many of the applications is March 20th - late applications will not be accepted.

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

Spanish National Honor Society Members we are meeting in the library classroom on February 11th at 2pm to watch a movie. Please bring food to share and your Tabby Town money if you haven't turned it in. Attendance will be taken.

Media Productions (All Students)

OPHS varsity cheerleaders are Section 6 champions. High score of the day out of 23 teams and now are headed to Rochester for Regionals. Congratulations Girls!

French Honor Society (Other)

Attention all French Honor Society members: we will be having our March meeting tomorrow, Wednesday February 11th in room 328 at 2:05. Please remember to bring your school supply donation if you have not already handed yours in. See Mrs. Holtermann in room 328 if you have any questions.

February - 2015

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