Show Calendar

Monday April 6th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

Any student interested in attending the UB/National Grid Summer Camp should see Dr. Cervoni in House 2 by April 14th. The camp is for current freshmen and sophomores who are interested in engineering and other STEM careers. More information about the program can be found on the UB website.

Phys Ed (All Students)

All OPHS Students: Only one student responded for the CPR Course on 3/7. The Orchard Fire Company is required to have at least 6 students in order to run the CPR class, so they had to cancel the class on 3/7. You are welcome to attend any of the other course dates that fit into your schedule. The other dates are 3/14, 4/4, & 4/19. All courses are on a Saturday & run from 08:30-12:30. If you will be attending, please fill out the attached registration f

Men's and Women's vball (Sports)

Attention all returning Boys and Girls Varsity and JV VOLLEYBALL players. Spring training starts next Monday. See coach Lardo or Lexner for a sign up sheet. Come on out and get the touches we desperately need to improve!