Show Calendar

Tuesday May 12th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: The Orchard Park Rotary Scholarship has been extended until May 15th. Applications can be found in the House 3 office.

Junior Class (Seniors)

Prom tickets will be on sale Monday May 11th through Thrusday May 14th. From 2-3 pm in the Aud Foyer. To purchase your tickets you will need your current student ID, your date's ID or a correctly filled out guest form and your method of payment. If you do not purchase your tickets at this time you will not be able to attend prom. You will also be able to purchase your post prom tickets at the same times on the same days. Post prom tickets are $5. If you have any questions please

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Do not forget to bring in your award notices to the House 3 office to be included in the graduation program. See Mrs. Linder with any questions. Must be turned in by June 1st.

pep club (All Students)

The pep club meting to decide the theme and spirit days for 2015 has been changed to May 19th at 2pm in room 263.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention BUddy Club members....There will be a very brief mandatory meeting after school on Wednesday, May 13th in room 122B regarding Art Rocks the Park and the Ice cream social. Please make every effort to attend.

SADD (All Students)

There will be an important meeting of the students Against Destructive Decisions (also known as SADD Club) on Wednesday May 13th at 2:00 PM in the LMC. End of the Year Activities will be discussed along with scheduling the filming of the Farewell video at the Elementary and Middles Schools. Please join us, even if you have not attended a meeting yet this year!!

Technology Club (All Students)

The Technology Club scheduled for Tuesday has been canceled. See Mr. Kennedy with any questions.

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention anyone who has a valid parking permit. Due to the Budget Vote next Tuesday, May 19th, students may not park on campus anywhere. This includes the Junior lot near the turf field. Students caught parking on campus during the school day will automatically lose their parking privileges and receive a disciplinary referral.