Show Calendar

Friday June 5th, 2015

Today's cycle is

pep club (Other)

Attention Junior and Sophomore Girls who want to play powder puff football in the fall. Due to homecoming being very early we are opening registration June 1st. Go to the student activities tab on the high school web page to register. Follow all directions carefully! See Mr. Botticelli with any questions.

English (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: If you had Mrs. Farrell as a freshman, it's time to come and pick up your freshmen letters to be reminded of how cool you once were. Pick them up in room 317 after 4th period anytime.

girls varsity soccer (All Students)

There will be a meeting this Thursday for any girl interested in playing JV or Varsity soccer next fall. The meeting starts at 2 PM and will be held in room 125. See Mr. Graffeo if you have questions.

SADD (All Students)

Attention all SADD Club Members and DARE Role Models. Their will be an end of the year party on TUESDAY June 9th at 2:00 PM in the LMC Classroom. If you plan on attending, please sign up in House 2 by the end of the day on Monday so we can be sure to have enough food.

Varisty Foootball (All Students)

Attention boys that are interested in playing football next year. There will be a mandatory informational meeting, Monday June 8th, after school in the gym.