Show Calendar

Friday October 9th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Indoor Track (Sports)

Attention all Indoor Track Athletes-- The informational meeting has been changed from Wednesday the 14th to Thursday the 15th. Still meet in the PE foyer at 2:10. If you have any questions see Mr Tundo.

English (Seniors)

SENIORS -- If you had Ms. Perillo last year for English, stop by 313 and pick up your writing folder.

Hockey (All Students)

Attention all JV ice hockey players. There will be a brief meeting after school in room 214 on Wednesday October 14th to discuss JV hockey. This is mandatory for all JV players, see coach Ferrentino with questions.

QTV (All Students)

Due to the administration of the PSAT there will be no regular classes @ OPHS on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Students who have registered for the PSAT should report to the high school no later than 7:45 AM. The AM buses will run as normally scheduled. There will be buses available to take students home following the PSAT (approximately 11:00 am). Transportation for students who attend the Ormsby and Potter Road vocational programs will run according to the normal schedule. Af

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a representative from the Marines in the commons during all lunch periods on Tuesday, October 13th. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

Bowling (All Students)

Attention anyone interested in trying out for the bowling team. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, October 15th at 2pm in room 154. See Mr. Biondo if you have questions or if you cannot attend the meeting.

Athletics (All Students)

Please visit the Athletics Page of the district website for information on the upcoming Winter sports season. If you are in need of a physical, the district doctor will be available on Friday, Oct 16th from 2:00pm-2:30pm in the Health Office. If you are unsure if your physical is up to date, please stop by the Health Office.

QTV (All Students)

ATTENTION UNDERCLASS STUDENTS: Picture retakes will take place on Thursday, October 15th from 7 am to 3:00 pm in Room 122b. If you were absent for pictures in September or are new to the High School and would like to have your picture taken, please stop in the House One office to pickup an informational flyer prior to Thursday, October 15th. Any students having their pictures retaken should bring their unwanted picture packet with them and give it to the photographer.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Senior Quotes and Senior "I Wills" must be submitted online by this Friday, October 9th. Instructions for online submission are available at the yearbook website. If you have any questions regarding submission or to ask if your quote is appropriate, please see Mrs. Sall (Room 363) or Mrs. Stady (Room 162) after school.

Athletics (Sports)

Attention all students who attend Orchard Park High School Athletic contests: backpacks, noise makers (including horns), and items to throw are not permitted.