Show Calendar

Monday February 22nd, 2016

Today's cycle is

Pulse (All Students)

The next Pulse workshop will be after school in the library on Tuesday, February 23rd. Come and share your creativity and have snacks with us! All are welcome, see you there!

Class of 2019 (Freshmen)

Attention all freshman homeroom reps-we will meet tomorrow in room 356 @ 2PM in room 356.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. Eggert Road Elementary School is looking for high school student volunteers to help at their Math and Science Night. It will be on Friday February 26th from 5:30 until 8pm. To sign up, please see Mrs. Collins in Room 160 as soon as possible. Seniors can get senior hours for helping out. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with any questions.

Athletics (All Students)

Attention all boys interested in trying out for VARSITY LACROSSE. There will be a mandatory meeting with Coach Tundo and Coach Cat on WEDNESDAY February 24 at 3pm in the Cafe. Tryouts are just around the corner. See you there.

Varsity tennis (All Students)

This Wednesday, February 24, there will be an informational meeting for any boy interested in playing JV or Varsity Tennis this spring. The meeting will be held in room 125 and last about 20 minutes.

Boys Varsity Tennis (All Students)

This Thursday, February 25, there will be a meeting for any boy interested in playing JV or Varsity tennis this spring. The meeting will start at 2 PM and will be held in room 125. The tennis meeting will last about 20 minutes.