Show Calendar

Tuesday March 1st, 2016

Today's cycle is

Senior Class (All Students)

Anyone helping with the Senior Class spaghetti dinner for the Orchard Park senior citizens on Thursday March 3rd, is asked to be in the cafeteria by 3 pm. Any Seniors that would like to help are always welcome! This year's theme is Superheros..So make sure to wear a superhero shirt or hat! See Mrs. Chopra or Mrs. Connors if you have any questions.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Team Members. We will meet today, Tuesday March 1st from 2pm-6pm. All members are expected to attend.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Congratulations to Isaac Johnson & Hunter Lobur-Cummins for a Big finish winning the 1st Masterminds/STAP Comm sponsored Buffalo Trivia Competition! Great Job!

Indoor Track (Sports)

Attention Indoor Track Athletes: Please return your uniforms to Mr Tundo or the athletics office by this Friday March 4th.

Indoor Track (Sports)

Over the past weekend the Indoor Track team competed in the sectional championships at Houghton College. Orchard Park had 3 athletes qualify for the state meet: Matt Mercer in the 2 mile, Jenna Crean in the 300 and 55, and Tommy Flannery in the mile run. Both Jenna and Matt are sectional champions and Tommy finished in 3rd place. The state meet will be held this Saturday at Cornell University.

gymnastics (All Students)

Trinity Tartaro, a 10th grader, represented section 6 gymnastics this past weekend at the NYS gymnastics championships. Trin made it to states back on vault last November to become one of 10 gymnasts to represent the section. She earned her best score yet this past weekend and helped the team to achieve first place making them the NYS team champions. Congrats Trin, you are an amazing athlete!

International club (All Students)

Come join International club for a Mardi Gras crepe fest on Monday March 7th, from 2:00-3:30 in room 329. Make your own delicious crepes with fruit, whipped cream, chocolate syrup or Nutella. See Mrs. Montesano for a permission slip.

Softball (All Students)

All girls interested in any level of softball this year should join the Google class and fill out the online survey to be ready for tryouts. Information is available with Mr Dannecker in room 214.

varsity club (Co-Curricular)

Attention Varsity Club: we have a very important meeting on Thursday march 3rd at 2 p.m. Please make every attempt to be there. It will be brief, but we need you to attend. Please spread the word.

Design and Illustration (All Students)

Design and Illustration students from last semester are welcome to pick their mugs up from room 152.

Guidance (Juniors)

The Quest Bridge Organization is offering a college prep scholars program for current high school juniors. You must have an average of 90 or above and be a part of a low-income family. Please visit to apply by March 23, 2016.

Art Club (All Students)

Attention to anyone who is interested in Art Club. Art Club will meet on Tuesdays in room 152, at 2:00. See you there.

guidance (All Students)

Are you a high school junior starting to make college decisions? Are you an underclass student just starting to think about college? If so, you are encouraged to attend Spring College Night at 6:30pm on Wednesday, March 2nd. Parents and students are encouraged to attend our annual evening program dedicated to providing accurate and current information on college admissions. Listen to a panel of college representatives and our own OPHS counselors answer questions regarding the colleg

OP Impact (All Students)

OP Impact will have an organizational meeting on March 2nd after school in room 230. We will be discussing our next event. New members are always welcome.

Science Club/Eco Club (All Students)

Ecology club will be holding meetings on Mondays and Tuesdays after school in room 165. Come and visit to learn more about the up coming Envirothon competition. Any question, see Mr. VanDerwater in 165.