Show Calendar

Sunday April 24th, 2016

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

The UB School of Engineering and National Grid are sponsoring a 4 day engineering workshop August 1st-4th for students entering their sophomore or junior in high school in the fall. The focus of the camp is to introduce talented students to engineering disciplines and to encourage them to enroll in an engineering curriculum. Students must be nominated by their high school. More information is available on the school counseling page of the website. Please see your counselor by 4/26.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Attention all Homeroom Representatives: In order to receive a Certificate of Outstanding Participation you must submit a completed Homeroom Representative Participation Form to your CLASS ADVISOR by Monday, April 25. Questions??? See your Class Advisor, Mrs. Stady (162), Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Hafner (362)

Guidance (Seniors)

The OPHS Music Department is sponsoring several college scholarships for seniors. You must have been involved in the music program at some point during high school in order to apply. The applications for music scholarships are due on Friday, May 6th. More details and applications can be found in the House 1 office.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. Ellicott Road Elementary School is looking for high school student volunteers to help at their Science Night. It will be on Thurs. April 28th from 5:30 until 8:00 pm. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Room 160. Please sign up as soon as possible. Seniors can get NHS hours for helping out. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with any questions.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club Members. we will hold our next meeting on Tuesday March 26th from 2-3 pm in room #127. We will be discussing the current election and comparing it to similar elections in US history. See you then!!!!!

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial Members and any students who wish to join Mock Trial next year. We will be meeting in room #127 at 2pm on Thursday April 28th. See you then!!!!

AP Exams (All Students)

If you are an AP student who did not attend the Pre-Administration session on Tues April 19th, you must attend the make-up session on Monday, April 25 at 2:00 in room 164. You will not be able to take your AP exams without filling out the necessary paperwork! See Mrs. Goff in room 164 with any questions.

Mrs. Brady (All Students)

Beginning Monday all students accessing the library from lunch or study hall must have their student IDs. Students needing replacement ID may obtain a new card in the library. Cost is $3.