Show Calendar

Tuesday May 3rd, 2016

Today's cycle is

ACT Exam (All Students)

There will be an ACT exam administered at OPHS on Saturday June 11, 2016. The registration deadline for this exam is May 6. You can register online at We recommend that you take the ACT with Writing.

SADD (All Students)

Attention all students, especially Juniors and Seniors. If you are interested in becoming a DARE ROLE MODEL and speaking to the 5th grade classes at Windom or South Davis, please attend the informational meeting on TUESDAY, May 3rd at 2:00 pm in the LMC. Officer Lukowski will be present to discuss expectations and answer questions. You can pick up a schedule of dates, times and schools from Mrs. Wolf in the House 2 office.

Book Club (All Students)

Attention Students - permission slips for the Teen Book Festival are due to Mrs. DiLucente in the library by Friday May 6th. The Festival is Saturday May 14th. See Mrs. DiLucente with any questions.

Open Campus (Juniors)

Attention Juniors: You may start applying for open campus during the month of May ONLY. The deadline is Tuesday, May 31st. Application forms are available on line in the Students & Parking Drop down menu. Please read the directions carefully. Again Turn your forms into your house office on or before May 31st. Any questions see Mr. Biondo

Music department (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: A reminder that all music scholarships are due this Friday, May 6th, to Mrs. Szczepanik by 2:00 pm.

Art Club (All Students)

Art Club will be cancelled today.

SADD (All Students)

Attention DARE Role Models. There will be a brief meeting TODAY, Tuesday May 3rd with Officer Lukowski at 2 PM in the LMC. Sign up Sheets for speaking at the elementary schools will be available at that time.