Show Calendar

Friday May 20th, 2016

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Juniors)

A reminder to Juniors who are beginning the college recommendation letter process: You are encouraged to turn in your brag sheets and Orchard Park Pride resume to your counselor and/or teachers before the last day of classes. Forms are in your Junior College Appointment folder and are also available on the School Counseling page of the high school website.

Varsity Golf Team (All Students)

The Varsity Golf Team sent 6 players to Sectionals yesterday. 5 made the first cut, 2 qualified for states and one of our OP 8th grade players is the alternate. Congratulations to Jack Devic, Mitchell Smith and 8th grader Aidan Shaw on making it to States.

Buddy club (All Students)

Buddy Club Members, please remember to do your best to attend the ice cream social at Windom on Wednesday evening, the 25th at 6:00. Your participation is always very helpful. See Mr. Behm with questions.

Administration (All Students)

Students who need to take a bus to school for afternoon exams must sign up on the yellow sheets in homeroom.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU interested in getting involved in STAP Comm? If so, consider applying for an Extension Office! Pick up an Application Outside of room 163 All applications are due Tuesday, May 31st Questions? See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Hafner (362)