A reminder to Juniors who are beginning the college recommendation letter process: You are encouraged to turn in your brag sheets and Orchard Park Pride resume to your counselor and/or teachers before the last day of classes. Forms are in your Junior College Appointment folder and are also available on the School Counseling page of the high school website.
Attention Seniors, tickets for the Senior Banquet are on sale today after school in the cafeteria from 2:00 - 2:45. Tickets are $20. See Mrs. Chopra or Mrs. Connors with any questions.
Freshmen Orientation is taking place on Wednesday, August 31st. We are looking for students in all grade levels to represent their clubs and teams at the Activities Fair that evening. Students need to be available from approximately 6-9pm. Participating seniors can earn service hours for open campus. If you are interested, please let your activity advisor know or see Dr. Cervoni in the House 2 Office.
Attention Students - The last day to change classes for the 2016-2017 is June 1st. See your counselor with any further questions.
Attention students interested in joining or re-joining the Quaker Marching Band for this upcoming Fall 2016 season. Registration forms are due this Friday, June 3rd. See Mrs. Pritchard in the band room if you have any questions.
Attention girls interested in JV or Varsity Volleyball. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday June 2nd after school at 2:00. Meet in the PE foyer.