Show Calendar

Monday February 27th, 2017

Today's cycle is

Athletics (All Students)

Attention Spring Athletes and Parents- please plan on attending the Spring sports Season Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th @ 6:30pm in the HS Aud. In addition to the individual team meetings, Guest Speaker Randy Nathan will speak with parents and athletes.

Guidance (Juniors)

Empire Girls State is a hands-on week-long educational workshop, focusing on Americanism and the political process. The goal of the program is to help students to better understand democratic ideals and the part we as individuals play in carrying out these ideals. Interested females must be between the ages of 15 and 18, and in the upper third of their Junior class. The candidate must possess outstanding qualities of leadership, character, honesty, scholarship, and coope

guidance (All Students)

Attention Juniors and underclass students, please plan on attending Spring College Night on Wednesday, March 1st at 6:30pm in the Commons. College representatives from a variety of institutions will provide you with the most current and accurate information on the college application process.

Track (Sports)

Congratulations to the Indoor Track team. This past weekend the team competed in their sectional championship meet. Individual winners included Cal Puskar in the mile and Jenna Crean in the 55 and 300 meter races. Both Jenna and Cal were on the winning teams of their respective relays. Cal joined Tom Flannery, Mike Totaro and Jake Graves on the winning 4x800 meeter relay team. Jenna joined Julia Griffen, Faith Hanlon and Sara Puskar on the winning 4x200 meter relay team. All 8 athletes%