The following colleges will be visiting today: Slippery Rock University at 8:30am, Daemen College at 11:30am and Robert Morris University at 12:30pm. All college reps will meet with students in the House 2 conference room.
Attention students! Interested in joining the yearbook club? We will have a training meeting on Wednesday, October 4th at 2pm in Room 162. Bring your ChromeBook and a camera, if you are interested in photography. Any questions? See Mrs. Stady in Room 162 or Mrs. Sall in Room 363.
There will be a recruiter from the Navy in the commons during all lunch periods on Monday, October 2nd. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.
Attention Varsity Athletes: If you are interested in being a member of Varsity Club, plan to be at the 1st meeting of the school year on Wednesday October 4th. We will meet at 2p.m. in room 113. Hope to see you there. Any questions, see Mrs. Gibson
Powder puff tickets are on sale after school in the bookstore. Get them early, for a cheaper price and you do not have to wait in line.
Attention Windom Buddy Club Applicants: There will be a mandatory training session after school Wednesday, October 4th at 2:00 in the back classroom of the media center. Please make every effort to attend. Also, be sure to have your application and permission form into House 1 prior to the meeting. See Mr. Behm with questions.
If you took Ceramics 1 or Ceramics 2 last year, please come down to room 152 to pick up your work from the end of the semester
Congressman Chris Collins invites you to attend the Service Academy Information Night at Clarence High School at 6:30pm on Monday, October 2nd. At this event, you will learn useful information regarding the academy application process. No preregistration is required.
Fordham University will be holding an information session at Canisius High School on Thursday, OCtober 5th at 7pm. Go the Dates to Remember page of the School Counseling Section of the high School website to register for this event.
Finally! Ecology Club Begins! On Tuesday Ecology Club will elect officers and discuss goals for the year. Creating a recycling program? Fighting to preserve our forest? Competing in the Envirothon? Hiking? Camping? Join Ecology club and make it happen! Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 2 PM Mr. VanDerwater's room 165.
The next 5-Hour Pre-Licensing Course will be Monday, October 2nd and Wednesday, October 4th. You must attend both evenings from 6:30-9:00pm. Sign up in the Community Education Office.