Show Calendar

Sunday October 22nd, 2017

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! The Scott Krueger Memorial Scholarship applications are now available in the House 1 office. This is a 40,000 dollar scholarship given to 2 Orchard Park High School Seniors. Deadline is November 13th. See Mrs. Linder in House 3 with any further questions.

International club (All Students)

Attention all students. International club will be hosting a Hibachi lunch at Dao on tuesday, October 24th. All are welcome. See Mrs. Montesano in room 329 for a permission slip and menu. Hope to see you there!

basketball (Sports)

Attention Boys Basketball Players: there is a mandatory informational meeting on Monday October 30th at 2 pm in room 365. Anyone interested in playing this year, needs to be at the meeting. Please plan ahead.

Guidance (Seniors)

New York state offers Scholarships for Academic Excellence to current seniors who will be attending a college or university within New York state. Eligibility for this scholarship is based on regents exam scores. If you are eligible, you will be notified by your school counselor by November 1st.

Student Wellness (All Students)

Attention all students. There will be a meeting of the Mental Health Sub Group on TUESDAY, October 24th at 2:00 PM. in room 120. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2.