Show Calendar

Friday November 3rd, 2017

Today's cycle is

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Friday, November 3rd is the last day to submit a senior quote or senior I Will for publication in the yearbook. Forms for submission are on the Quaker Yearbook Teacher Page. See Mrs. Sall in Room 363 after school only if you have any questions.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Friday, November 3rd is the last day to submit a senior portrait for publication in the yearbook. Please see Mrs. Sall in Room 363 after school only if you have any questions about portrait submission.

varsity club (All Students)

Attention all students. The Varsity Jacket Sale is here again. If you are interested in a jacket, you must act quickly. All order forms are available in the bookstore, or in the Phys. Ed. foyer. Follow the directions on the order form. All orders with payment are due by November 13th. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Gibson as soon as possible. Thank you.

Student Wellness (All Students)

Attention all students. There will be a meeting of the student wellness Mental Health Subcommittee on Tuesday, November 7th at 2:00 PM in room 120. everyone is welcome.

student wellness (All Students)

Student wellness is sponsoring the annual COATS for KIDS Collection. As you bring out your winter apparel please consider donating any gently used winter items including coats, mittens, hats, boots, ski pants that you no longer want or need. Items can be place in the bin in the foyer or can be brought to your House office. All sizes, infant through adult are welcome. Thank you for helping to keep our community warm this winter. The collection will run through mid November.

OP Winter Guard (All Students)

PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT (in text at the end of the video) TO THE COLOR VIDEO YOU ARE CURRENTLY SHOWING: Come join the orchard park winterguard! Our first rehearsal is Thursday November 9th from 5-7pm at Windom elementary school. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Pritchard in the band room. Come along and bring a friend! No experience is necessary.

Varsity Bowling (All Students)

Attention anyone trying out for the girls or boys varsity bowling teams. Shuttles to Strikers will leave OPHS from Baker Road at 2:30 pm.