Show Calendar

Saturday November 18th, 2017

Today's cycle is

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all Mock Trial students and those interested. We will be hosting tryouts and meeting on Friday November 17th and Wednesday and Thursday November 29 and 30. All those interested must attend the Wednesday November 29th and Thursday 30th meetings. Please see Mr. Janas in room #127 with any questions.

Student Wellness (Juniors)

Attention student wellness and DARE Role Models. There will be a meeting with Officer Mazur from the Orchard Park Police Department on MONDAY, November 20th at 2:00 PM in the LMC Classroom for students who are interested in being a DARE Role Model presenter in 5th grade classes at Ellicott and Eggert Road Elementary Schools. You may pick up a schedule with the dates and times in the House 2 office. Sign up will take place at the meeting. Please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2 if you hav

Yearbook (Co-Curricular)

Attention all students who are in a club - Yearbook club photos will be after school on Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30th in the GYM. Please see the list outside of room 162, 363 and the Baker Foyer for your photo time or see your club advisor. Please be prompt - if you are late you will not be pictured.