Show Calendar

Thursday November 30th, 2017

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

College Night for Underclass students will take place in the Commons on Thursday, November 30th at 7:00pm. Listen to a panel of college admissions representatives provide useful information regarding college planning. All underclass students and their parents are encouraged to attend.

Cancer Awareness Club (All Students)

Attention all Cancer Awareness Club members! CAC will hold its next meeting on Thursday, November 30th. Please meet in the Gym at 2:00 for our yearbook photo. The meeting will immediately follow in room 226. CAC Alumna Kaely Kwitek will be speaking to us about her experience with cancer and her foundation, Kaely's Kindness. You don't want to miss it!

Yearbook (Co-Curricular)

Attention all students who are in a club - Yearbook club photos will be after school on Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30th in the GYM. Please see the list outside of room 162, 363 and the Baker Foyer for your photo time or see your club advisor. Please be prompt - if you are late you will not be pictured.

varsity club (Co-Curricular)

Attention Varsity club members: Just a reminder--Our December meeting is Monday December 4th at 2pm. Hope to see you there!

Wrestling (All Students)

The wrestling team kicked off their season last night with a hard fought loss to the defending league champions from Clarence. The crowd and energy were electric as the team received big-time JV wins from Peter Rattanaphasouk, Trevor Lagoda, and Shane Murphy. Varsity winners included sophomores Mike Pataky and Caleb Potter, junior John Lockwood, and co-caption junior Blake Harlock. Well done wrestlers!

FNHS (Seniors)

Attention all French National Honor Society Members: We have a mandatory meeting after school today in room 328 at 2:05 followed by our yearbook picture. Please see Mrs. Holtermann in room 238 with any questions or concerns.

OPEO (All Students)

Attention all Educational Outreach members: All Polar Plungers must turn in their signed permission slips to Mrs. Holtermann in room 328 by tomorrow morning. The plunge is this Saturday! Please see Mrs. Collins in room 160 if you need a copy of this form.

science club (All Students)

Attention all science club members. Our yearbook picture is TODAY after school at 2:15 in the gym. Right after the picture we will do a chemical reactions activity in Room 160. New members are always welcome. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with questions.