Show Calendar

Tuesday January 16th, 2018

Today's cycle is

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! Online voting for Senior Mosts for the Yearbook is now live. Directions were distributed in homeroom. You can also access the voting system through the Quaker Yearbook teacher page. Voting is live until midnight on Friday, January 19th. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall in room 363 after school only.

Wrestling (All Students)

Over the weeekend, the wrestling team finished 5th out of a 17 team field at the Williamsville North Tournament. Among the team's many great performances, Jason Omar placed 4th, Caleb Potter took 3rd, and both Mike Koziol and Matt Wagner were tournament finalists. Well done wrestlers!

School Counselors (Seniors)

Attention Seniors. Feeling overwhelmed by the scholarship process or unsure where to start? There will be a scholarship presentation on Thursday, January 18th at 2pm in the Aud. Be sure to attend to get upcoming scholarship information and tips!

PTO (All Students)

The PTO post prom committee created a survey for the seniors to fill out about suggestions for this year's post prom event. They would like to know what you'd like to see in the way of activities, entertainment and prizes. Seniors should check their email and fill out the survey to have an input in your post prom 2018 event.

Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club Members: Our next meeting will be held this Wednesday, January 17th at Windom. The bus will leave from the Gym doors at 3:00. See Mr. Behm if you can no attend.

Book Club (All Students)

Book Club will meet this Thursday, the 18th, in the library after school.

Athletics (All Students)

Attention boys interested in playing jv lacrosse, there will be an informational meeting on Friday, Jan 19th at 2pm in the HS café.

Library (All Students)

Are you interested in film making? The library is sponsoring a stop motion animation film contest. Stop by to get help creating a short film between now and January 19th. Then submit your film for a screening in the library after school on January 30th!

Yearbook (All Students)

Attention all students. Saturday, January 20th is the last day to pre-order a yearbook at the original price of $49. After the 20th, the price of a yearbook increases to $52, and nameplates and World Yearbooks are no longer available. Also, after the 20th, books are available on a first-come, first-serve basis until we sell out! Don't be disappointed in June! Pre-order your yearbook today! Not sure if you ordered already? Check the lists posted outside rooms 162 & 363

Guidance (All Students)

Kaleida Health is looking for high school students to fill volunteer positions at several area hospitals. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the medical field and gain experience in a hospital setting. If you are interested, please visit