The Young Achievers Scholarship Program awards scholarships to current high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their activities in the school, the community, or the workplace. To apply, please visit and click on "Resources" at the top of the page. The deadline is July 31, 2018.
Attention all students. If you are interested in being a DARE Role Model and speaking with 5th grade students about what High School life is like, please attend a brief meeting with Officer Mazur, TODAY, Monday May 7th at 2:00 PM in the LMC Classroom. Sign up sheets for the classroom presentations will be available at that time.
Join admission representatives from SMU, Tulane, GW, Northeastern, and NYU for a group presentation on their institutions. The event will take place at the Lexus Club at 7:00pm on Sunday, May 20th. Go to to register.
Orchard Park Varsity Softball is hosting a Suicide Awareness Prevention game on Monday, May 7th at 5pm. Please come, wear purple, and support a great cause as we take on Williamsville North.
Erie County offers the Summer Youth Employment Program in partnership with Buffalo Urban League and Catholic Charities. The program connects the youth with worksite providers, who will provide youth with a meaningful, paid work experience this summer. Students must meet certain household income guidelines to qualify. Applications are due by May 25th. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Stahl in the House 1 office for more information and an application.
Attention Seniors! Please check your school e-mail for important information regarding final transcripts and post high school plans. ALL graduating seniors must complete the survey by May 10th.
Attention freshmen, sophomores and juniors. We need your help in planning homecoming next year. Log in to your school email and complete a quick survey to help pick a theme and spirit days. Make your voice heard! See Mr. Botticelli with any questions.
There will be a mandatory meeting Wednesday May 9th for all people interested in Boys Ice Hockey next year. The meeting will be in room 214 at 2pm and will last about 15 minutes. See Mr Dannecker or Mr Ferrentino with issues.
Attention all students. Are you interested in helping out with a science activity at Windom Elementary school? Science club needs some volunteers to help Windom students build and launch straw rockets on Wed May 9. Helpers would need to report to Room 160 after school (about 2:30 on Wed. May 9. A bus will leave at 2:55pm to take us to Windom. Students can take a bus home from Windom or can get picked up at Windom at 4pm. Details and a sign up sheet are outside of Room 160. See Mrs
Attention student wellness and DARE Role Models. There will be a meeting with the DARE Officer on Monday May 7th at 2:00 PM in the LMC to sign up and prepare for the presentations at the elementary schools in Mid May. Schedules of the times and dates Role Models are needed can be picked up in the House 2 Office and sign up will take place at the meeting. Please see Mrs. Wolf in House 2 if you have any questions.
Attention Seniors, we are beginning to sell prom tickets. Ticket sales will begin May 14th and go to May 17th from 2 to 2:45 in the cafeteria. You must have your payment, student ID, and guest form if you are taking a non-OPHS student. Any questions? See Mrs. Mapps in room 223 or Mrs. Duszkiewicz in room 219.
My name is Mr. Fisher and I will be announcing today’s challenge. The theme for this week is Building Relationships. Throughout your day, listen to your friends when they are talking. Pay close attention by making eye contact and focusing only in him or her. Avoid texting or engaging with electronics when you are having conversations with your peers or family members. (The prompter will PAUSE for you to add a personal thought or example) Now back to the QTV Crew