Show Calendar

Friday May 18th, 2018

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

Join admission representatives from SMU, Tulane, GW, Northeastern, and NYU for a group presentation on their institutions. The event will take place at the Lexus Club at 7:00pm on Sunday, May 20th. Go to to register.

Student Activities (Juniors)

Attention Juniors: You currently have 10 Days left in order to turn your Open Campus Application forms in to your house office. Remember, any Junior with a failing grade or receives a disciplinary referral during the 4th quarter will not be eligible for open campus privileges during the first quarter of their senior year.

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention all students: This is a reminder that the new parking application can be found in the parent portal. It is no longer available on the school website. See Mr. Biondo if you have questions.

Freshman class (Freshmen)

Attention all freshmen! Stop by the cafeteria after school on Wednesday, May 23rd and get a FREE freezie pop! You will receive a ticket in homeroom, please bring it with you to the cafeteria. No ticket= No freezie pop. Enjoy!

AP US History (All Students)

Attention all students who will be taking AP United States History next school year. Please pick up your summer reading and summer assignment after school at 2pm in room #127 on either Wednesday May 30th or Thursday May 31st. See Mr. Janas or Mr. Graffeo with any questions.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Are YOU interested in getting involved in Student Government? If so, consider applying for an Extension Office! Pick up an Application Outside of room 163 All applications are due Friday, May 25 Questions? See Mrs. Rominger (163) or Mr. Hafner (362)

30 Day Kindness Challenge (All Students)

My name is Mrs. Williams and I will be announcing today’s challenge. The theme for this week is Building Relationships in a Technology World. Building on yesterday’s challenge of taking out your headphones and being present, today’s challenge is to try to be present in the moment and not worried about what is happening on your phone, computer, or outside of school. Try to challenge yourself to disconnect from your phone and computer all weekend! When you are hanging out with frie

SADD (All Students)

Last Call for DARE ROLE models for next week There are still openings for students in all grades who have transportation to go Windom Elementary School on Tuesday to speak with the 5th graders about what high school is like. Please come to the house 2 office by noon on Friday to sign up.

Student Activities (All Students)

Congratulations to the winners of yesterdays elections. For the class of 2021 Treasurer: Brian Murphy Secretary: Elise Mutty Vice President: Abigal Nelson President Christine Clayback Class of 2020 Vice President: Chad Gloss President: Rose Quinlan Class of 2019 Treasurer: Celeste O'Connor Secretary: Abbigale Pace Vice President Jennifer Fertel President: William Desmond Congratulations!