Show Calendar

Thursday May 31st, 2018

Today's cycle is

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Students who have received scholarships from colleges (even if they do not plan on attending that school) or other organizations should bring a copy of the financial award letter to the House 1 office by June 1st so the information may be included in our graduation program.

Volleyball (Sports)

Attention girls volleyball players: Anyone who is interested in participating in varsity or JV volleyball next year, there will be an informational meeting on Friday June 1st at 2:00, meet in the PE foyer. If you cannot make it see Mr Lardo.

Art Club (All Students)

If you had ceramics displayed in the media center from last semester, please stop by the ceramics room to pick it up

AP European History (Freshmen)

Attention all students taking AP European History next year! Please come get your summer assignment from Mrs. Quinn in room 216 on Thursday, May 31st or Friday, June 1st. You may come during homeroom or after school. Don't forget!

Ice Hockey (Sports)

Attention all boys ice hockey players. First offseason skate is Sunday 7am at Leisure Rinks. See coach Ferrentino or Dannecker with questions

Varsity Boys Volleyball (Sports)

Attention all Boys Volleyball players. There will be a meeting for all interested in playing boys volleyball on Weds June, 6th at 2pm in Mr. Albano's room 255. We will be discussing the upcoming year. If you are late, do not bother showing up!

30 Day Kindness Challenge (All Students)

My name is Mr. Brach and I will be announcing today’s challenge. The theme for this week will be Quotes to Live By. Dalai Lama said, “Be kind whenever possible. It’s always possible.” There are opportunities throughout each day to give a compliment, welcome a student into your group, sit with someone new at lunch, stick up for someone who is picked on, or hold a door open for someone. Recognize those opportunities and act on them every day. (The prompter will P

JV and Varsity Basketball (Sports)

Attention all returning JV and Varsity Basketball players, there will be a mandatory meeting in Coach Frankowski's room, room 365, on Thursday May 31st immediately after school at 2:00 PM. All returning players must attend as the meeting will not last very long and will include information about next year. Spread the word. See Coach Frankowski if you have any questions.

Community Education (All Students)

Attention students interested in taking Driver Ed. this summer. There are a few spots available. Come to the Community Education office for information on how to register.

girls swimming (All Students)

Attention all girls interested in swimming or diving for Varsity next year. There will be an informational meeting next Friday at 2 in 227, coach Norv's room. Tryout information, schedules, and important dates will be given out. See you there!

English Department (Seniors)

Attention seniors! If you had Mrs. Bastedo or Mrs. Farrell for English 9, please stop by room 351 or 353 respectively before the end of the school year to pick up your Freshman Letters!

science club (All Students)

Attention all students and staff. TODAY is the day!! TODAY fter school in Room 160 Ms.Mary Hughes, a naturalist will speak about animal care and conservation. She’s bringing live animals, and you can see, touch, and maybe even hold them. That’s TODAY from 2-2:45 pm in Room 160. See Mrs. Collins (in Rm 160) with questions. All students and staff are welcome!

AP US History (All Students)

Attention all students who will be taking AP United States History next school year. Please pick up your summer reading and summer assignment after school at 2pm in room #127 on either Wednesday May 30th or Thursday May 31st. See Mr. Janas or Mr. Graffeo with any questions.

Student Activities (Juniors)

Attention Juniors: You currently have ZERO Days left in order to turn your Open Campus Application forms in to your house office. The forms are due today by 2:30 pm. Remember, any Junior with a failing grade or receives a disciplinary referral during the 4th quarter will not be eligible for open campus privileges during the first quarter of their senior year.

field hockey (Sports)

Field hockey meeting for JV and Varsity. Monday June 4th at 2 pm in the pool bleachers. See Mrs. Callahan for more info.