OP Enterprises will be sponsoring a phone wallet sale from Thursday November 15th through Friday November 30th in both the cafeteria and commons during all lunch periods. Purchase your limited time OP phone wallet before we run out! Only $5. Any questions can be directed to David Cappello in HR 350 or to Mrs. Hofschneider in room 213.
PULSE members: We will have a short meeting today after school in 313 to organize our book drive and holiday workshop. See Ms. Perillo in 313 with questions.
PULSE will be holding a Holiday Creativity Workshop after school on December 4th in 313. If you like to write, create art, or just want to show your holiday cheer, please join us. All are welcome. Please see Ms. Perillo in Room 313 with questions.
Attention all Freshmen- You must have your Chromebook with you for Boost classes from November 29th through December 4th. It is required to complete the lesson in class.
Attention all Mock Trial members. This years case is in. Please pick up a case in room #127 if you have not already done so. We will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week from 2pm-3pm. Every member needs to attend as we will decide roles for this years competition. See Mr. Janas with any questions.
College Night for Underclass Students will be on Thursday, November 29th at 7pm in the Commons. Students in grades 9 through 11 are encouraged to attend.
The Orchard Park Garden Club is offering a limited number of scholarships to attend a DEC Environmental Camp for 1 week in the summer of 2019. The program is open to students up to age 17. The deadline to apply is December 7, 2018. Applications are available in the House 1 office.
On Sat and Sunday December 8 and 9, the OP Rec Dept runs "Santa Land" at Chestnut Ridge Park. And they want high school volunteers to help with crafts and outdoor activities like roasting marshmallows and caroling. It is a super fun way to get some volunteer hours. Get a friend to volunteer with you. Sign up slips will be distributed in homerooms and can be found outside of Room 160 and Room 328. You can also signup online on the Outreach classroom. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 or Mrs
All students & staff are invited to attend the next talk in the Science Club Speaker Series. TODAY after school in Room 361, Mr. Paul Chopra, an Environmental and Industrial Product Chemist will speak about the chemistry of candy making. That’s TODAY (Thursday Nov 29th ) from 2-2:45 pm in Room 361. See Mrs. Collins (in Rm 160) with questions.
Attention All Students Participating in the Polar Plunge this Saturday: we have a short but mandatory meeting today after school at 2 in room 328. Please see Mrs. Holtermann with any questions or concerns.