Show Calendar

Monday December 3rd, 2018

Today's cycle is

School Counselors (Freshmen)

Attention all Freshmen- You must have your Chromebook with you for Boost classes from November 29th through December 4th. It is required to complete the lesson in class.

PULSE (All Students)

PULSE will be holding a Holiday Creativity Workshop after school on December 4th in 313. If you like to write, create art, or just want to show your holiday cheer, please join us. All are welcome. Please see Ms. Perillo in Room 313 with questions.

PULSE (All Students)

The PULSE Book Drive needs you! Please bring in your new and gently used books to help us give the gift of reading to those in need. Collection boxes are in most English classrooms. See Ms. Perillo in Room 313 with questions.

Medical Career Interest Group (All Students)

The Medical Career Interest Group will be hosting a speaker from St. Bonaventure University on Tuesday, December 4th. Come join us in room 161 at 2:00 to learn about all that St. Bonaventure has to offer with a special emphasis on admissions and medical programs. See you then.

World Languages (Seniors)

Attention Seniors who applied for the Seal of Biliteracy, there is an informational meeting in room 325 on Wednesday, December 5 at 2 p.m. Please see Mrs. Connors or Mrs. Cartwright with any questions.

Wrestling (All Students)

Congratulations to the Wrestling team who placed 2nd at this weekend’s Dual Meet Tournament. All-Tournament team members were Mike Pataky, Blake Harlock, Matt Wagner, and Caleb Potter. Bigtime sophomore contributors were Dylan Coe, Lucas Schaffer, and Brett Santarelli. Come out and watch the Quaker wrestlers compete at home this Wednesday night at 6:30 against Hamburg.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club members. Our next meeting will be this Wednesday December 5th at 2pm in room #127. We will be discussing the impact of Pearl Harbor on America.

Outreach (All Students)

All students are invited to join Educational Outreach this Thursday (December 6) after school in Room 160 to make holiday crafts for the salvation army. New members always welcome. See Mrs. Collins in room 160 with questions.