Show Calendar

Thursday December 13th, 2018

Today's cycle is

PSAT test results (Other)

Attention Sophomores and Juniors: Are you wondering how you did on your PSAT from October? Your scores are available starting TODAY on your account. See Mrs. Feeley's door 252 for directions on how to access these scores. Your counselor will also have your score!

Athletics (All Students)

◦4:00 PM B V Bowling vs. West Seneca East - Strikers ◦4:30 PM G V Ice Hockey vs. Monsignor Martin @ N Buffalo Ice Rink ◦5:00 PM V Rifle vs. Kenmore West - Buffalo Rifle Club ◦5:00 PM B V Swimming @ Hamburg HS

outreach (All Students)

All students are invited to join Educational Outreach this Thursday (December 13) after school in Room 160 to make holiday crafts for the salvation army. New members always welcome. See Mrs. Collins in room 160 with questions.

School Counselors (Sophomores)

Sophomores interested in a BOCES program for Junior year - Registration is open. See your School Counselor by Friday, December 14th if you would like to sign up or for more information!

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club members and all students who like historical and political debate. We will be having a discussion on the topic of Global warming with special guests on Tuesday December 18th at 2pm in room #127. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.

School counselors (Juniors)

Attention Juniors- The application window for the Coolidge Scholarship is now open to all 11th grade students. It is a full-ride scholarship that covers a student’s tuition, room, board, and expenses for four years of undergraduate study. Winners of the Coolidge Scholarship can use their award at any accredited US college or university. The main criterion for the Coolidge Scholarship is academic merit. More information, including the application, is available at www.coolidgeschol

International CLub (All Students)

Attention all students: International club will be sponsoring a dream catcher work shop on thursday december 13th from 2:00 to 4:00 in room 329. Learn how to make this beautiful craft. Great foe gift giving! See Mrs. Montesano for more information.

PULSE (All Students)

PULSE, the OPHS literary magazine, will be hosting its December meeting and holiday party after school this Thursday, December 13, in room 313. Members should see Ms. Perillo with questions or if they cannot attend.

PULSE (All Students)

The PULSE Book Drive needs you! Please bring in your new and gently used books to help us give the gift of reading to those in need. Collection boxes are in most English classrooms. See Ms. Perillo in Room 313 with questions.

OPEO (All Students)

Attention all students going on the Galapagos Trip: We have our pizza party meeting today after school in room 163. Please see Mrs. Holtermann or Mrs. Rominger with any questions