Anyone who took Ceramics 1 or 2 can pick their work up from room 152.
The Varsity Softball pre-season meeting will be Tuesday, February 12th at Windom Elementary at 3:30pm in Rm. 154. Anyone interested in trying out for VARSITY softball should attend.
Attention all students interested in potentially trying out for JV and Varsity Baseball, there will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday February 14th in Coach Senn's classroom, room 224, immediately after school. You must also sign up for Baseball through PowerSchool and make sure that all your paperwork and physicals are updated with the Athletic Office and the Nurse to be eligible to participate. If you cannot attend you should see Coach Senn in room 224 or Coach Frankowski in room 26
Attention members of Spanish Honor Society-Our next meeting will be held after school Tuesday February 12th in LL4 across from house 3. Please join us for our Valentine's Day celebration and to make cards for children in Colombia!
Please join the Art Department in the Library for the opening of the Mid Winter Show on Tuesday Feb. 12th at 2 pm. Refreshments will be great, and the art work will be even better!
Ms. Perla's first semester Art students, please come to room 153 to pick up your art work.
Congratulations to orchard park’s top shooters at their rifle match Lauren Taips, Kelly Kubik, Bryce Hartung, Maddie Knavel