Show Calendar

Tuesday February 12th, 2019

Today's cycle is

Art (All Students)

Anyone who took Ceramics 1 or 2 can pick their work up from room 152.

Stage Crew (All Students)

Attention all students interested in joining Stage Crew for this year's musical production of 42nd Street. There will be an important informational meeting about the set build today after school at 2pm in Mrs. Braun's room, 355. Please see Mrs. Braun or Mr. DeWald with questions.

Varsity Softball (All Students)

Varsity Softball pre-season meeting is cancelled for Tuesday. It will now be Thursday, February 14th @ 3:30 @ Windom Elementary. Open Gym will follow the meeting. Anyone intereseted in trying out for Varsity Softball should attend. Thank you!

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club members. Our next meeting is this Wednesday at 2pm in room #127. We need to complete the set up for our gun debate.

Wrestling (All Students)

Congratulations to wrestlers Blake Harlock who placed 4th and Matt Wagner who placed 3rd in their respective weight classes at this weekend's sectional tournament. A very special shout out to Junior Mike Pataky who is now a Section Six Champion and is the first OP wrestler in 14 years to accomplish that feat. In two weeks, Mike will represent Orchard Park in Albany at the New York State Championships. Congratulations Mike and best of luck at states!

outreach (All Students)

Attention all Outreach members and anyone interested in joining outreach (your OPHS community service club). We have an important meeting this TUESDAY- Feb 12- after school in Room 160. Please attend. Cookies will be served. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 or Mrs. Holtermann in Room 328 if you have questions. New members are always welcome.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. Eggert Road Elementary School is looking for high school student volunteers to help at their Science Night this Thursday. You’ll help kids do science activities. It will be on Thurs. Feb 14th from 5:45 until 8:00 pm at Eggert Road Elementary School. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Room 160. Please sign up as soon as possible. You can get sheets signed for volunteer hours or even senior hours. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with any questions.

Art Dept (All Students)

Ms. Perla's first semester Art students, please come to room 153 to pick up your art work.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members: Our next meeting will be at Windom this Wednesday, the 13th. The bus will leave from the Gym doors at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

Spanish National Honor Society (All Students)

Attention members of Spanish Honor Society-Our next meeting will be held after school Tuesday February 12th in LL4 across from house 3. Please join us for our Valentine's Day celebration and to make cards for children in Colombia!

JV and Varsity Baseball (Sports)

Attention all students interested in potentially trying out for JV and Varsity Baseball, there will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday February 14th in Coach Senn's classroom, room 224, immediately after school. You must also sign up for Baseball through PowerSchool and make sure that all your paperwork and physicals are updated with the Athletic Office and the Nurse to be eligible to participate. If you cannot attend you should see Coach Senn in room 224 or Coach Frankowski in room 26

SHF (All Students)

Attention all French Honor Society Members: We have an important meeting after school tomorrow, Wednesday, February 13th, in room 328. Please see Mrs. Holtermann with any questions.