Show Calendar

Tuesday February 26th, 2019

Today's cycle is

SAT Regis (late) (Other)

Attention Seniors and Juniors wishing to take the March 9th SAT. There is still time to register online. Go to by Feb 27th to register.

Outreach (All Students)

Attention all Outreach members and anyone interested in joining outreach. We will have an important meeting this THURSDAY - Feb 28- after school in Room 160. We need to prepare for the spaghetti dinner which is only 2 weeks away. Please attend and bring in ticket money. ALso bring in baskets if possible. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 or Mrs. Holtermann in Room 328 if you have questions. New members are always welcome!

Guidance (All Students)

The Buffalo Chapter of ASM International is sponsoring a free student night on February 28th at the Holiday Inn Airport for students interested in careers in Engineering. Check out the Dates to Remember page of the School Counseling section of the high school website for details.

History Club (All Students)

The Orchard Park History Club will host an after school discussion on Guns in America on Wednesday Feb 27th at 2pm in the commons. All students are welcome to come, listen, ask questions and participate. Seniors who are taking Regents Government can use this opportunity to receive an observation credit for graduation. Please see your teacher or Mr. Janas in room #127 with any questions.

Wrestling (All Students)

Congratulations to junior Mike Pataky who competed in this weekend's New York State Wrestling Championships. Although Mike failed to make the podium he represented himself and Orchard Park very well. Congrats to the entire wrestling team on a great overall season.